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Sunset Serenade Bouquet

Sunset Serenade Bouquet

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Enjoy the beauty of a sunset with this bouquet of 10 stems featuring a mix of pink and orange lilies. Each stem, with its vibrant hue, evokes the warmth and serenity of a sunset sky. Tied together with care, this bouquet is a serenade to the beauty of nature's colors. The blend of pink and orange creates a stunning display, reminiscent of the sky ablaze with color as the sun sets. As you admire this bouquet, you'll feel transported to a tranquil evening, where the air is filled with the fragrance of lilies and the colors of dusk. Perfect for celebrations or moments of relaxation, this bouquet brings the beauty of the sunset indoors.


The gift consists of:
• Beautiful bouquet of 10 stems with a mix of pink and orange lilies.(Vase not included)
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