Flowers to Germany

Flowers Germany | Send Flower to Germany | Best Flower Delivery Germany | Cheap Flower Delivery Germany


Shipping & Delivery Policy

When the user places an order, they are given the option to select a delivery option for each individual item. We make every effort to fulfil that option by delivering the items to the receiver according to that selection. The amount of time it takes to deliver your package could vary depending on where you want it sent. Consumers can take advantage of our Standard Time Delivery service since it caters to their convenience and meets their requirements. The fact that there is a nominal charge associated with selecting a particular delivery time should be made clear on the website. This obligation is always subject to circumstances that are beyond the reasonable control of, such as unexpected travel delays from our courier partners and transporters caused by bad weather, political unrest, strikes, war, lockdown, or other unforeseen events. Under these conditions, we will make an effort to get in touch with you. Please ensure that you check your email and text messages often for any updates.


Flowers can be sent in a range of phases of blooming, including fully, half-blooming, or bud, depending on the type of flower. We will only make one delivery attempt for your cake order because baked goods have a naturally short shelf life. There is no other address that can facilitate a delivery redirect. We recommend that you place your order at least five days in advance of a celebration or some other significant event.


In addition to hand-delivered packages, deliveries made by courier are not allowed under any circumstances. It's possible that the recipient will receive those throughout the course of two distinct days or at two different times. You have acknowledged that there is no legal necessity for the delivery date that you have chosen. The amount of time it takes to deliver your order will be calculated based on how quickly the product can be obtained and where you want it sent.


Please contact us via email at or by phone at +(81)-503-19-64372. There will only be one effort made to deliver your order if it contains perishable items such as flowers or cakes. In the event that the delivery is not successful during the attempt, you will still be charged for the order; however, there will be no opportunity for a second delivery attempt. In light of the following events, we will evaluate the order that was ultimately carried out: if the shipping or delivery address is incorrect; if the recipient's premises are locked and inaccessible; or if the recipient refuses to accept delivery.


The person who is supposed to receive the box may ask the person making the delivery to leave it at the front gate, the reception desk, or with a neighbour if the intended recipient is not there. In the event that there is any uncertainty regarding delivery, evidence of delivery will be provided. On Sundays and important holidays, deliveries are made by hand. It will not be considered late if there is no one there at the shipping address to accept the delivery of your order when it is brought there. As a result, under these terms and conditions, there will be no refunds, cancellations, or responsibilities given.