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Tranquil Garden Bouquet

Tranquil Garden Bouquet

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Immerse yourself in the tranquility of a garden with this blooming bouquet featuring white lilies, light yellow Germini "Terra Tune", chamomile, yellow roses, cream hypericum, butterfly plug, pistochia, and salal. With a diameter of approximately 30 cm, this bouquet exudes serenity and peace. The combination of white, yellow, and cream blooms, along with the delicate greenery, creates a soothing display that evokes the beauty of a quiet garden. Presented in a vase, this bouquet is a perfect gift to bring a sense of calm to any space.


The gift consists of:
• Blooming bouquet with white lily, light yellow Germini "Terra Tune", chamomile, yellow roses, cream hypericum, butterfly plug, pistochia and salal. Diameter approx. 30 cm.with vase
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