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Apricot Crush Anthurium Beauty

Apricot Crush Anthurium Beauty

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Indulge in the vibrant allure of our Apricot Crush Anthurium Beauty! This stunning gift features the Anthurium Apricot Crush plant, standing gracefully at approximately 30 cm tall in a 9 cm pot. Its striking dark green foliage and leathery orange bracts create a captivating contrast, making it a perfect choice for gifting to your favorite person. Also known as flamingo flowers, Anthuriums belong to the arum family, with their actual flowers nestled within the strong spadix at the center of the bracts. This tropical beauty thrives in bright to partially shaded areas, away from direct sunlight and drafts, while benefiting from watering with decalcified water for optimal care. Elevate any space with the exotic charm of our Apricot Crush Anthurium Beauty, a symbol of elegance and botanical splendor sure to enchant and delight.


The gift consists of:
• Anthurium Apricot Crush Plant (approx 30 cm) & a pot (9 cm)

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