Flowers to Germany

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Ocean Breeze Bouquet Duo

Ocean Breeze Bouquet Duo

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Dive into tranquility with a bouquet featuring ten mesmerizing blue and white roses, gracefully bundled together. Each bloom, with its serene hue and delicate petals, evokes the calming essence of ocean waves, creating a soothing visual display that captivates the senses. As the flowers intertwine in the bouquet, they form a harmonious duo that symbolizes peace and serenity, infusing the space with a sense of calm and relaxation. Whether it's a gesture of comfort, sympathy, or appreciation, this bouquet offers a heartfelt expression of sentiment that is sure to bring solace to the recipient's heart. Let the recipient be enchanted by the tranquil beauty of these roses, their fragrance filling the air with a sense of tranquility and renewal. With each glance, let them be reminded of the beauty that surrounds them and the love that brings comfort in times of need.


The gift consists of:
• 10 Blue roses and white roses in a bunch
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