Indulge in the allure of "Passionate Petals: Pink and Red Roses," a bouquet that ignites the flames of desire and romance. Twelve roses, a harmonious blend of pink and red, come together to create a mesmerizing display of passion and affection. Each bloom, like a whisper of love, speaks volumes without uttering a word. Adorned with elegance and grace, this bouquet is a timeless symbol of romance and devotion. Whether presented to a cherished partner or a dear friend, these roses convey a message of love that transcends words. Let their delicate petals and intoxicating fragrance envelop you in a world of warmth and tenderness. "Passionate Petals" is not just a bouquet; it's a declaration of undying love, a promise of eternal devotion.
The gift consists of:
• Classic 12 pink and red roses bouquet
(The vase is not included)